Happy New Year!

I may be a day late, but well wishes to all of you. 2022 wasn’t a great year for my travel blog, but was a winner for this one. I launched this website to share all my author, bookish, reading, educational content, have published a load of book reviews, and my very first short story (heavily based on my old GCSE coursework). Thank you all for your support and readership over the last year.

Am I feeling positive about 2023? Well, it’s going to be a busy one. I’m studying for my NPQLBC (a teaching qualification) and teaching as well as writing. I’ve shelved the historical fiction novel I was working on – I need some more time to research properly. It’s not an easy write. Instead, I’m focusing on my comedy ‘A Holiday of Errors‘.

In the next few months, I’ll share some snippets of the book with you all and I’m aiming for a complete first draft by the summer. Might be a bit hopeful there, but if you don’t aim high, what’s the point?

Best wishes for 2023, readers.

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